3D printer to provide people with home

16 March 2018 - 14:36 | Interesting information
3D printer to provide people with home

At the SXSW Technology Festival in Austin, Texas, they presented a model of a prefabricated concrete house, which is built using 3D printing. The process of printing a house with an area of about 60 square meters takes about 48 hours. The cost of construction - about 10 000 dollars. Manufacturers hope that when optimizing the costs of the mixture for printing and improving the robotic printer, it will be possible to lay the construction time in the interval from 12 to 24 hours.

The robot-printer moves along the metal frame-base of the future wall, gradually pouring it with a solution. The system works according to the drawings created with the help of standard software for computer-aided design (CAD). So the future owners of the house will be able to create their own projects on the spot or choose one of the finished ones.

The project was launched by the Icon construction company and the non-profit organization New Story, which helps to build housing in developing countries. More than a billion people in the world do not have a reliable roof over their heads. The projects of cheap and lightly built housing are designed to give hope to those who do not have a simple path from slums to normal life.

The project is financed mainly from Silicon Valley. Houses will be given to families in an interest-free mortgage for 10 years - $ 30 per month - more than the lifting amount, in poor rural areas of El Salvador, the average monthly earnings is about $ 360.