The problem of obtaining knowledge from Big data set is being investigated

13 March 2018 - 15:00 | Conferences, assemblies

At the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS the discussion of action plans of departments for 2018 was launched.

Firstly, the chief engineer of the institute, PhD, associate professor Makrufa Hajirahimova gave information about the research works to be done.

The speaker said that in the current year, researches would be continued to study the problems of obtaining knowledge from Big data set.

Researches on "Development of Methods and Algorithms for Information Security in Large Data Environment and Some Applications", "DeepOil-ML: Development of New Technologies Based on Deep Learning for Intellectual Oil Fields", Big Data and Digital Heritage Problems and Their Solution Ways "," Big Data and Forecasting Problems and Solutions "and other topics will be carried out, she said.

Speaking about the scientific-innovation activity of the department, M.Hacirahimova noted that in the current year a number of grant projects will be implemented by the department staff, scientific and technical expertise will be carried out.

Speaking about the scientific and innovation activity of the department, that this year, the department's staff plans to carry out a number of grant projects, scientific and technical expertise, M.Hacirahimova noted.

She also gave detailed information about the department's scientific-pedagogical and scientific-organizational activities, the preparation of various publications, and the work to be done to promote scientific and practical results in mass media.

Then, discussions were held on the action plan, questions and suggestions were sounded.

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