"SpaceX" successfully launched the "Heavy Falcon" Rocket

08 February 2018 - 10:00 | Interesting information
"SpaceX" successfully launched the "Heavy Falcon" Rocket

From the pad Pad 39A of the Kennedy Space Center, the successful launch of the Falcon Heavy superheavy launch vehicle took place. It was the first launch of a missile equipped with 27 engines at once. And apparently, everything is still going, as planned. The system sustained the moment of maximum load during take-off, and after a while, two side accelerators of the first stage separated from it and made a synchronous landing in the same Kennedy Space Center.

In order to understand whether everything was successful, it will take some time. The fact is that the main stage of the carrier rocket was decided to be planted on a floating barge and immediately before the landing of the camera, apparently, under the influence of a powerful vibration of the started engines, the stages disconnected. It should be added that this has happened before in the framework of landing the spent stages of the Falcon 9 carrier rockets.
Six hours after the launch, a space vehicle with an electric roadster Ilona Mask onboard a low Earth orbit will leave on the trajectory of traffic to Mars and launch its engines. Last week, Ilon Mask once again commented that the risk of failure still exists at any stage of the flight.

Nevertheless, the successful launch of Falcon Heavy can become a giant leap forward in the development of space flights. At the moment, the Falcon Heavy is the most powerful working carrier rocket in the world. SpaceX has already received several orders to launch its superheavy missile, but now that the first test launch was successful (and we hope that the rest of the mission will also go smoothly), the company is likely to be able to attract even more potential customers interested in using Falcon Heavy.