The opportunities of AzScienceNet network to expand

01 February 2018 - 16:00 | Conferences, assemblies

The next seminar of Department No.4 was held at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS.

Deputy Director on Technology, Head of Department, PhD, Associate Professor Rashid Alakbarov spoke on the action plan of the department for 2018.  Researches will be continued to develop methods for optimal distribution of memory and computing resources in the data processing center, creation of computing clusters in mobile computing clouds, Enterprise Desktop Grid services, as well as data processing center at AzScienceNet, he noted.

According to R. Alakbarov, Internet regulation and studying the current state of the supercomputer technologies, development perspectives and problems, research and analysis of architectural-technological principles, security and privacy issues will be conducted on the development of methods and algorithms for efficient use of virtual resources in mobile cloud technologies. Also, the data processing center will develop methods and algorithms for the creation of virtual machines and computing clusters, as well as the emerging problems of Green Computing technologies and their solutions.

The speaker also informed about the work to be done to develop and exploit the infrastructure of AzScienceNet network. He said that the activities of ANAS institutions to connect AzScienceNet through fiber-optic communication channels and to upgrade AzScienceNet software software will continue. He noted that AzScienceNet increased memory and computing resources, expanded and exploited the system of "Mutlimedia Gallery" in AzScienceNet, expansion and operation of VoIP service, virtual laboratory service, creation of Wi-Fi network and Eduroam service in academy departments, creation of new server software for AzScienceNet network measures will be taken to implement the project.

R. Alakbarov also informed about the organization of services at AzScienceNet. A multi-point remote training service for the Ganja and Nakhchivan divisions of ANAS and the organization of remote education services for the Shaki and Lankaran Regional Science Centers of ANAS will be implemented over AzScienceNet network.

AzScienceNet network expanded its international cooperation and cooperation with GEANT Association and the Center for Distributed Calculations of the Institute of Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences will be continued.

In the current year it is planned to explore new wireless network technologies and their development perspectives, the current status and problems of social networking technologies, the Deputy Director noted.

He also said that researches on the existing approaches and applications in Fog Computing, Green IT Problems and Solutions, Blockchain Technology Architecture, Development Perspectives and Application Areas, Research on the advantages of the Mail Exchange corporate e-mail system.

Finally, discussions on the action plan were held and a number of proposals were voiced.

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