President of ANAS acquainted with the process of English language examination for master students

12 January 2018 - 16:56 | Important events

Institute of Information Technologies  held an examination of the first year master students for testing the knowledge of the English language subject. Academician Akif Alizadeh, President of ANAS, acquainted with the process of the session in the 4th group. 67 masters of 12 specialties from 17 institutions and organizations of the Academy participated in the exam.

The head of the Office of Science and Education of the Presidium of ANAS, correspondent member of ANAS Aminaga Sadigov noted that the master's theoretical and practical lessons on general subjects were taught at the highest level by professional teachers. According to him, the teaching of English language for masters was prepared in accordance with the IELTS program, which aims to improve the level of preparation of masters wishing to continue their academic activities by taking PhD courses or studying abroad.

Academician Akif Alizadeh praised the innovative conditions created for the graduate students in the institute and called masters to take advantage of the scientific environment and expressed readiness to support them in their scientific activities at all times.

It should be noted that according to the order of ANAS President Akif Alizadeh dated December 20, 2017, the winter examination session for masters of this institution is holding from 29 December 2017 to 2 February 2018. In the course of the session, master’s degree students of ANAS will pass exams in 317 subjects.

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