The report of the Institute of Information Technology for 2017 listened

28 December 2017 - 15:00 | Conferences, assemblies

The report of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS was listened at the reporting meeting of the Division of Physics, Mathematics and Technical Sciences of ANAS for 2017.

The report was presented by academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the Institute of Information Technology, academician Rasim Alguliev. He informed about the scientific achievements of the Institute in 2017 and gave detailed information about the research carried out in the field of information technology and information society. He noted that in the current year research on Big Data and Data mining, cloud technologies, information security, software engineering, information society, e-science, e-medicine, information economy, terminology informatics, e-education and other fields were carried out at the institute, the results were published in prestigious, impact factors journals.

Academician R. Alguliyev noted that linguistic approach - a method based on syntactic and semantic analysis of sentences, was proposed to reveal various types of plagiarism, weighted classifiers for detecting anomalies in large data using an ensemble method and the method and algorithms for optimal synthesis of mobile computing clouds, the multidisciplinary problems of Big Data technologies in the field of information security were researched, he methods used to verify and monitor software products are analyzed, the scientific-theoretical problems of the technology of the Internet of items are investigated and analyzed.

Speaking  about the activities of AzScienceNet science computer network, R. Alguliev informed about Connection of computer networks of some institutes and organizations of ANAS to AzScienceNet network via fiber optic connection, establishment  a local network of computers, connection of education network to AzScienceNet, connection of AzScienceNet to Grid joins projects, The use of Wi-Fi in the Academy campus of ANAS, Monitoring and Security Service and the organization of the operational information system of ANAS, and so on. 

According to the scientist, measures were taken consistently to expand the infrastructure of the AzScienceNet Science Computer Network, a network platform of e-science, its rational utilization, integration into Europe's online science and education environment.

The scholar provided detailed information about the Institute's Training Innovation Center and noted that the admission to PhD courses at the ANAS were held on the basis of test technologies in this Center. Here, as well as the teaching of general and specialty disciplines for the undergraduate students of ANAS, the teaching of the subject "Science Informatics" for PhD students in the Republic, admission and doctoral examinations on philosophy and etc. are organized. According to the scholar, "Electronic Testing System" was created in order to support the helding of specialty examinations in scientific institutions of ANAS.

Speaking about the activities carried out within the framework of the international scientific cooperation of R. Alguliev, he noted that in 2017, the institute cooperated with various international organizations and associations, participated in international projects, regional telecommunication network, conducted scientific researches with foreign scientists and foreign trips, meetings were organized. He said that in the current year, cooperation with scientific institutions of more than 50 countries has been established.

Director of the Institute informed about Wiki-Center, Multimedia Center and Public Relations Department of the Institute, as well as websites created in 2017.

He noted that in 2017, 84 articles, 4 books and 2 express-information were published by the Institute staff and 126 reports at international and national level conferences were delivered. 87 of 210 reserch papers were included in prestigious bases.

Scholar said that the journals "Information Society Problems" and "Information Technology Problems" published in the institute included Copernicus, INSPEC, and Google Scholar indexing bases.

R. Alguliev noted that according to the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the senior scientific worker of the institute, PhD on technical sciences Lyudmila Sukhostat was awarded the Presidential Award for Youth 2017 and the website of the institute was acknowledged as the winner of the nomination "The Best Website of the Year", based on the results of the monitoring conducted among scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS.

The academician also mentioned important scientific findings and suggested that non-linear optimization model and multiple clustering methods were proposed for detecting anomalies in Big Data, and that their experimental evaluation was performed. He noted that the G2C sector has developed a system of electronic medical services and methods and algorithms for efficient use of cloudlet resources in mobile computing clouds. 

Finally, discussions were held around the report, and questions were answered.

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