Ways of avoiding "Predatory" journals are researched

07 December 2017 - 11:38 | Conferences, assemblies

The next scientific seminar of Department No.12 was held at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS.  Reports on "Ways of avoiding "Predatory" journals ", "Approach to Detecting Threats to National Information Security in Social Media", "Bibliometric Analysis of Information Security Studies (2007-2016)" subjects was heard at the seminar.

Colleague of the Institute, Rahila Hasanova made a report on ‘’Ways of avoiding "predatory journals". She spoke about the problems in the international scientific journals. She focused on selecting a science journal, highlighting recent "cybercrime" and "stolen" journals as a new cybercrime toolkit used in recent years, and pointing out the criteria for their predetermined detection to avoid falling into the trap of "predatory" magazines.

Then Nargiz Ismayilova, colleague of the institute, presented the report entitled "Approach to the detection of threats to national information security in social media". She said that social media has been analyzing technologies for detecting threats to national and national security, cybercrime and terrorist groups' activities and a new approach was offered.

Then Narmin Adigozalova, chairman of the Institute of Young Scientists and Professionals, spoke on "Bibliometric analysis of research on information security". She said that the dynamics of scientific works and references published in the field of information security in 2007-2016 were analyzed. Noting that information security is one of the urgent issues in the field of computer science, the reporter noted that the bibliometric analysis of the works in the field of information security, indexed in the Web of Science scientific database. According to the speaker, the results of the analysis show that there is an increase in the number of works and references published in this field, as well as in IF of the journals.

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