An algorithm is developed to increase the effectiveness of identifying people's race and ethnicity

06 November 2017 - 10:00 | Conferences, assemblies

The annual report for the year 2017 was discussed at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, PhD, Associate Professor Tofig Kazimov presented the department's report and noted that the department carries out scientific research on various problems of biometric technologies, software engineering and information security.

T.Kazimov noted that the new algorithm has been used to improve the quality of human recognition in the biometric network environment to increase effectiveness in determining human race and ethnicity in the current year. He noted that in this direction a method was developed on the topic "Methods and algorithms for recognizing human beings on the basis of human veins", a software was developed for obtaining a skeleton of the arteries through a special device. Also, investigations were conducted on the topic of "Working algorithms for the recognition of human skulls on the skull bones".

Speaking on the theoretical bases of software engineering, the reporter noted that the research on the model development was continued to improve the reliability of software products, the classification of software engineering standards and the classification of software products.

T. Kazimov also talked about research on information security issues. In this regard, he said that the current state of the sanitation methods, scientific-theoretical problems and prospects of development on the topic "Development of Methods and Algorithms for Information Security in Children's Internet Environment"  were discussed. He presented research on psychometric analysis and psychometric analysis of individual and psychological aspects of Internet dependence of children and adolescents. In this regard, experiments were conducted between two groups of students using Kimberley Young's Internet dependency tests.

Speaking about the scientific-innovation activity of the department, the scientist pointed out that I republic conference was held on "Actual scientific-practical problems of software engineering", a number of articles, conference materials and reviews were presented, and scientific works of the staff were included in Wikipedia.

He also informed about the work done on participation  of colleagues of department  in international and national level conferences, publication of scientific articles in international and national level journals  recommended by the AR Supreme Attestation Commission, the scientific indicators of the department, the establishment and development of international scientific cooperation relations, and the promotion of scientific and practical results in the media.

Then academician-secretary of ANAS, director of Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliev made a speech and made suggestions and recommendations on department report. The scientist recommended further deepening of scientific research in software engineering.

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