The study of e-learning environment management is being investigated

01 November 2017 - 16:00 | Conferences, assemblies

Head ofDepartment No 10 of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, Ph.D. in technical sciences, associate professor Firudin Agayev presented the annual report of the department for 2017.

Speaking about the research works carried out in the department, the reporter noted that research on the theme of "E-learning environment management and the development of its methodological bases" was conducted in order to explore the scientific-theoretical problems of information technology and information society and to develop effective methods. He said that comparative analysis of the current state of e-learning technologies in leading universities of foreign countries and the study of educational content through the application of cloud technology are being investigated.

He also talked about the research on the theme "Development of the model of ICT adaptation standards to international standards in the education system". He emphasized that data mining methods were applied in the optimal selection of ICT curricula in this direction.

Speaking about the scientific and pedagogical activity of the department, the reporter said that at the Training Innovation Center this year students were taught "Informatics", the lectures were translated into Russian, and the students were involved in the examinations for certification of knowledge. He also stressed that remote education in the Informatics course is being implemented.

F.Agayev noted that the department staff participated in international and national events and 5 conference papers and 4 articles were published in well-known scientific magazines.

The head of the department spoke about international scientific cooperation and noted that cooperation with the Institute of Informatics of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences was established during the reporting year.

Finally, the rapporteur talked about the department's scientific-organizational and scientific-innovation activities, and work on the promotion of scientific and practical results in mass media.

The activity of the department was considered satisfactory, questions and suggestions were sounded.

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