Methods for auto-referencing of texts are developed

27 October 2017 - 12:00 | Conferences, assemblies

Report of the No.13 Department for 2017was listened to at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS. The corresponding member of ANAS, doctor of technical sciences Ramiz Aliguliyev spoke about scientific research works on various topical issues on scientific-theoretical problems of formation of information technologies and information society conducted in his department.

In the department, research on Big Data clustering, development of methods for automated referencing of texts, development of methods and algorithms for ensuring information security in large data environment,  conduction of research topics of electronic state with help of social networking and intellectual intelligence technologies were  carried out and  results were published in influential journals, R. Aliguliyev noted.

The scholar noted that joint research with department No.12 on the development of indexes for the evaluation of scientific journals and researchers' activities in the field of e-science formation problems are being conducted. He also noted that research in the development of intelligent methods and algorithms for assessing the knowledge in the virtual environment and the development of algorithms for calculating hydraulic resistance in various parts of the lifting troughs in the gas wells has been continued.

R. Aliguliyev briefed on the development of methods for detecting plagiarism with Malaysian counterparts, on the development of mechanisms for the formation and effective management of e-government together with the department No.17 of the Institute. He underlined that research is underway within the grant project "Development of new methods and algorithms for the synthesis of electronic science and its functional subsystems" supported by the Science Development Fund under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan (SDF).

The head of the department noted that work on grant projects ‘’ Development of Methods and Algorithms for the Synthesis of Electronic Science in Big Data Environment and its some applications” and ‘’Development of Some Methods and Algorithms for the synthesis of electronic science and its functional subsystems” supported by SDF are being carried out.

He informed about  the work carried out in the framework of the "State Program for the implementation of the National Strategy for the Development of Information Society in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2017-2020." He also noted that 35 articles sent from different journals and conferences have been reviewed in the current year.

According to the reporter, in the current year, 20 article of the department’s staff have been published  in journals indexed in scientific databases such as  Web of Science (Thomson Reuters), Scopus (Elsevier), Google Scholar, EBSCO, DBLP, ACM and others, in journals listed in the Supreme Attestation Commission of the Republic and other countries (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus), also, 8 theses have been published in  international and republican scientific conferences , 290 references have been recorded in their works.

Speaking about the international scientific cooperation of the department, the scientist said that in 2017, relations with the University of Australia, Malaysia Technology University, Kazakhstan National Technical University, Victoria University (Canada) and the Mechanics Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine were established.

R. Aliguliyev also talked about the scientific-pedagogical and scientific-organizational activity of the department, promotion of scientific-practical results in mass media, etc. , and said that there were 23 intradepartmental seminars in the reporting year.

Then academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the institute, academician Rasim Alguliev made a speech and highly appreciated the activity of the department, made suggestions and recommendations on the report.

The opinions were exchanged and the questions were answered.

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