Current state of electronic terminology has been investigated

26 October 2017 - 15:00 | Conferences, assemblies

The next scientific seminar devoted to the electronic terminology of Department №5 was held at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS.

Sabina Fomenko, a colleague of the institute, presented the report on the theme "Scientific-theoretical bases and the current state of electronic terminology" and said that electronic terminology is a science about the emergence of electronic terminological dictionaries. It consists of automated processing, the creation of terminological data banks, information search systems, machine translation and so on.

Providing information about the problems of electronic terminology  The speaker noted that it has problems such as typology and classification of special dictionaries, vocabulary structure and the principles of organizing separate structural parameters of different terminology dictionaries, automated selection of non-database terms, and so on.

S. Fomenko spoke about the structure of electronic dictionaries and said that it would be possible to change its structure using ready-made frames in the process of creation. She said that the use of publishing systems such as "Page-Maker" or "WinWord" to create original versions of dictionaries creates the possibility to add styles, alphabets and indicators to the zones of dictionary articles.

"Most electronic terminological dictionaries provide descriptive characters and describe terms of other fields of knowledge"-, she noted.  Electronic terminology dictionaries perform parallel query during work, entry and modification of corrections, notes, printing, and so on. functions.

S. Fomenko said that there were ready-made buildings for the creation of dictionaries and that they had specific rules of use and the texts corresponding to them.

Finally, the reporter noted that there are no programs that identify terms that are not currently available in the text, and that the categories that belong to the terms are not available. She emphasized the need to use intelligent analysis programs aimed at identifying existing terminology in order to solve this problem.

In the end, there was an exchange of views on the subject, many questions were answered.

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