The U.S. military has developed a device to improve the functioning of the brain

25 October 2017 - 12:45 | Technological innovations
The U.S. military has developed a device to improve the functioning of the brain

In order to improve their mental abilities, it is necessary, as is known, to “gnaw the granite of science”. But many are trying to find an easier way. And it is possible that researchers from McGill University in Canada and scientists from HRL Laboratories have developed a new device capable of increasing a person's thinking abilities.
The new edition is reported by the Daily Mail. According to the report, the device is anelectro-stimulator of the brain, and it finances the development of the Office of Advanced Research Projects of the US Department of Defense, reports.The device uses direct current to stimulate the prefrontal cortex of the cerebral hemispheres. It is known to be responsible for such cognitive functions as memory, attention and decision-making. As scientists say, the application of the development improves the connections between different areas of the brain, which contributes to faster learning. Helmet electrodes are attached to the head without surgical intervention.
It should be noted that the device has already passed a series of tests on primates. During the tests, the animals had to determine the place where the food lies by a number of signs using visual marks. As a result, 22 attempts were required to learn how to determine the relationship between labels and food, animals. However, after stimulation by direct current, a group of primates trained in this for only 12 attempts.
Scientists hope that their method can be used in the future to stimulate brain zones responsible for training. Including for military training, speeding up the acquisition of new skills.

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