English language courses will be organized for the staff of the Institute

23 October 2017 - 09:46 | Important events

At the next meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS discussions were held on the organization of English language courses for the staff of the institution. Speaking about this, Vugar Musayev, the head of the international relations department of the institute, spoke on the factors necessary for the organization of these courses. He said that at present, the difficulty of studying the English language individually, requiring extra time, and lack of sustainability and so on. is one of the main problems.

Noting that academician Akif Alizade attached great importance to the organization of English language courses at academies and institutes of the academy, V. Musayev also noted that a number of projects in this direction seminars and negotiations clubs in English were implemented at the Institute of Information Technology.

Speaking about the work to be done as a continuation of these events, V. Musayev noted that the institute provides lessons, talk hours and extracurricular activities for English language teaching. The speaker noted that the team was formed to organize these courses.

He also provided information on textbooks, useful websites and extracurricular activities that will be used in the courses.

Discussions were held and a number of proposals were made.

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