Greenpeace appreciated the technique of Apple in the "Green Electronics Ranking"

17 October 2017 - 17:08 | Interesting information
Greenpeace appreciated the technique of Apple in the "Green Electronics Ranking"

Greenpeace published a "Green Electronics Rating", which included 17 of the world's leading manufacturers of consumer electronics. Apple got a good evaluation.

Experts have studied how Apple, Samsung, Xiaomi and other brands are reducing their impact on the environment, reports. Companies were evaluated in three areas: energy use, resource consumption and the use of chemicals in products and production. It is reported that Apple is the only company that has committed itself to transfer the entire supply chain to 100% renewable energy sources.

According to the parameter "Energy", which estimates the use of renewable energy sources, Apple received the highest ball with a minus. In the column "Resources", where the design of devices is determined with the possibility of their subsequent repair and modernization, the company earned a ball equivalent to "3" on a five-point scale. In the "Chemicals" section, assessing the emissions of harmful and toxic substances during production, Apple was rated "good." Prior to this, Apple three years in a row became the leader of this rating. This year, the Dutch smartphone maker Fairphone intercepted the palm tree.

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