A meeting with the representatives of the European Education Foundation and National Strategy on Education for Sustainable Development in Ireland

28 September 2017 - 16:00 | Conferences, assemblies

For many years, the Institute of Information Technologies of ANAS analyzed the dynamics of labor market in the country, intelligent human resources management, forecasting needs for staff, approach to demand and supply within the framework of the European Commission's European Neighborhood Policy and Eastern Partnership programs , research projects aimed at the development of methodology, tools and institutional mechanisms.

Within the framework of cooperation, the projects on demand and supply in the labor market IT-specialists segment, the development of mechanisms for the effective management of human resources management through the application of intellectual information technologies, projects for the adaptation and forecasting of student labor and demand in the labor market have been successfully implemented, prediction and adaptation methodology road map has been developed.

A number of scientific-theoretical and practical conclusions were conducted in the 15th department led by representative of the expert network of the European Union Eastern Partnership in Azerbaijan, corresponding member of ANAS Masuma Mammadova.

Let's note that in order to expand cooperation, Eduarda Kastel Branko, Senior Specialist of Policy and Vocational Education Systems of the European Foundation for Education, and John McGrath, Head of Labor Market and Labor Market Research Division of the SOLAR Irish Education and Research Agency (SOLAR) meeting was held.

Academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the institute, academician Rasim Alguliev, M.Mammadova, scientific secretary of the institute Medina Saidova, PhD in technical sciences, associate professor Zarifa Jabrayilova attended the meeting.

M.Mammadova said that the main purpose of the meeting was to create a National Observatory in Azerbaijan Labor Market and to familiarize the guests with the scientific potential of the institute.

Academician R. Alguliev provided detailed information about the created innovative conditions at the institute. The scientist emphasized the importance of creating an electronic demographic system in the country and emphasized the importance of drawing attention to these problems. R. Alguliev underlined the importance of creation of the system of national intellectual methods in the field of e-government, studying the integration of these systems, databases and demographic problems. He said that this system allows for the detection of labor problems, including demographic problems.

The scientist was also talked about EapConnect project within “Eastern Partnership".This network enables the world's leading international organizations, including the institutions and organizations of the academy to establish closer collaboration with relevant European Union institutions and the technology and services offered by the world's science and education networks.

The academician stressed the importance of human resources forecasting in the labor market, the establishment of a system of adaptation of demands and proposals, the importance of monitoring the demographic situation in the country, in particular, the need for the formation of individual medical information infrastructure, and highlighted the importance of the solution of these problems in solving these problems. From this point of view, it is necessary to establish the National Labor Market Labor Market.

Guests were informed about the activities of the National Observatories in a number of developed countries, including Ireland, and the main purpose of this organization is to provide scientifically motivated management and forecasting of human resources in the labor market, bringing them in quantitative and qualitative terms to the knowledge economy in the country, the systematic implementation of the forecasting, and the establishment of a national information system that provides intellectual support for decision-making on different levels of management in the relevant areas.

At the end of the meeting, a wide range of views on the creation of the Observatory for the management of the labor market in Azerbaijan were discussed.

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