A perfect finger to deceive the fingerprint scanner was created

27 September 2017 - 15:50 | Technological innovations
A perfect finger to deceive the fingerprint scanner was created

Engineers from Michigan State University have created a new generation of fingerprint simulators that easily deceive existing civil data protection devices.

"What makes our device unique is that it imitates a real finger, including properties that are characteristic of real leather ... Our" doll "has the exact mechanical, optical and electrically conductive properties of a human finger," says the project head, an expert on biometrics Anil Jain. Competitors on the field of deceptions for imitators of fingerprints, lag behind the development - they reproduce only one or two features of the human finger, and the invention of engineers at the University of Michigan - all at once.

A fake finger is designed to test, test and improve civil fingerprint identification systems. Previous versions of the methods of deception techniques, invented by engineers, were not universal, while criminals continue to hack into seemingly reliable systems. Now scientists have provided developers with a more perfect way to test their devices. 

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