The statistical indicators of Azerbaijani scientists in authoritative scientific bases have been analyzed

13 September 2017 - 16:16 | Conferences, assemblies

Scientific seminar of Department No13 of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS dedicate to the "Comparative analysis of Azerbaijani science bibliometric indicators of WOS and Scopus bases"was held.

Ramin Guliyev presented a report, spoke about the comparative analysis of the articles of the Azerbaijani scholars published in the Web of Science and Scopus databases in various fields in 1996-2016, as well as the bibliometric data of the references to those articles.

He noted that, in 2015, most of the articles of scientists in the scientific database "Thomson Reuters" belong to physics and astronomy. Thus, 230 articles published in this field, in general, have been referenced 1787 times. The number of references on 39 articles on computer science is 57, and 11 for information systems equals 16.

R. Guliyev said that in the scientific database "Scopus" 141 references to 78 articles published on physics and astronomy were cited. The corresponding index for 48 articles on computer science is 10 and in engineering is 72 for 52 articles.

The speaker also spoke about statistical indicators for 2016. He said that most of the articles in the Thomson Reuters scientific database last year belonged to the field of physics and astronomy. There are 6 articles published in the field of Information Systems.

At the end of the lecture, a wide range of views were exchanged, many questions were answered. Head of the department, correspondent member of ANAS Ramiz Aliguliyev gave his suggestions and comments.

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