KFC and Alipay in China launched the payment of orders with a smile

06 September 2017 - 14:33 | Interesting information
KFC and Alipay in China launched the payment of orders with a smile

The Chinese company Alibaba has developed a technology for payment purchases using face recognition "Smile to Pay". A new service Alipay began testing in the KFC of Hangzhou.

The process is already fully automated. First, the buyer selects the order in the digital kiosk, and to pay enough to smile at the camera and specify the phone number attached to the purse Alipay phone number. According to the company's developers, even a bright make-up or wig will not interfere with the operation of the system. Also, the technology of face recognition can not be deceived with the help of a photograph of a person, but if such a weight occurs, the team promises to reimburse all expenses in case of "theft" of the customer's smile.

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