A garage for pilot cars has been launched in Germany

27 Jule 2017 - 15:41 | Technological innovations
A garage for pilot cars has been launched in Germany

The German group of companies Bosch and Daimler have built the world's first parking for unmanned vehicles.

The development of unmanned transport technologies often provides for the development of software for specific road situations. The first one is parking. In this case, the driver will be able to come to the parking lot, leave the salon, and the autopilot will put the car on its own. Earlier it became known that similar algorithms are available to some Audi drones and Tesla Motors electric vehicles. The capabilities of existing systems, however, are limited to the presence of unoccupied sites in the parking lot, the deficit of which is typical for ordinary parking lots. In the absence of free places, the autopilot will continue to travel through the territory after the owner leaves, at least spending fuel.

The new garage Daimler and Bosch are designed to simplify the parking of unmanned vehicles. It is equipped with a computerized system that automatically tracks the availability of free parking lots and transmits data to the machine,  reports. With the help of a mobile application, the driver can book a seat before the trip and make other interactions with the system. In particular, upon arrival in the garage, he must leave the car in a special area, leave the salon and note in the annexe about the readiness to move to the parking lot. Then the algorithm will contact the machine, and the latter will go to the new location with the help of the received information and the sensor readings.

According to the developers, the proposed technology is scalable and can be installed in ordinary parking areas.

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