Virtual Tour of the ISS from Google Street View

25 Jule 2017 - 12:19 | Interesting information
Virtual Tour of the ISS from Google Street View

Service Google Street View for the first time in the history of the company showed what the ISS looks like from the inside.

Now you have a unique opportunity to imagine that you are on the International Space Station - Google Street View service for the first time in the history of the company showed what the ISS looks like from the inside,  reports.

During his stay at the ISS, the European Space Agency astronaut Thomas Peske took pictures of the interior of the station for Google for six months.

Usually, to remove the panorama for Google Street View, the company's specialists use equipment that performs multi-camera shooting. However, to send it into space it was too heavy and expensive. Therefore, Google together with NASA specialists came up with another way of shooting - using a conventional SLR camera and other equipment that was on the station.

After Thomas Peske shot the required number of images, he transferred them to Google, where the company's specialists sewed them together to create a virtual tour of the ISS.

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