The dissertation on efficient management of technoparks was discussed

24 Jule 2017 - 14:03 | Conferences, assemblies

The next scientific seminar of Department No. 8 was held at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS. The meeting was devoted to the discussion of dissertation work of Rosa Shahverdiyeva, "The development of models and methods for the organization and functioning of technoparks". First of all , the head of department, PhD, associate professor Alovsat Aliev gave detailed information about R.Shahverdiyeva's dissertation. He noted that the main purpose of the work is to develop models and methods, algorithms and mechanisms to enhance the efficiency of processes, creation and management of innovative technoparks using modern ICT, mathematical methods and models in the information economy.

R.Shahverdiyeva delivered a report on the topic of the dissertation and gave detailed information about the chapters, structure and volume of the dissertation work and the number of published scientific works.

In chapter I, "The trends, stages and modern features of technology parks' analysis," the goals, priorities, forming stages, organizational forms, normative legal aspects of the organization of the functioning of the technoparks, and the initial socio-economic conditions of its formation were analyzed.

She informed about the Technology Parks Association and its information on the distribution of these scientific parks in the advanced countries, about the exact directions of activity, appointment, goals and objectives. She said that technoparks in the developed countries of the world are more likely to focus on ICT and telecommunications, biotechnology, environment and ecology, healthcare, pharmacy, energy, electronics, and so on. As well as specialization directions.

She brought attention to the most important problems in the innovation process and its structural stages in technoparks, as well as managing technoparks.

Chapter II describes the nature, content, methodological aspects of the innovative projects implemented in the process of creating and evaluating technoparks and the comparative analysis of the structural indicators, called "Models and Algorithms for Selection and Evaluation of Innovative Projects in the Creation and Assessment of Technoparks".

The third chapter, titled "Development of models and methods for effective management of technoparks' activity," covers information about the methodological approaches that analyzed to assess the effectiveness of technoparks. It was noted that conceptual structural models of technology parks management and its intellectual management system were developed.

Then, the reporter informed about the fourth chapter entitled "Development of recommendations for creation and effective management of technoparks as a result of the implementation of the proposed methods and models". She noted that the expert scale used for the assessment of various innovative projects was proposed, prospects for improvement of information provision in technoparks were investigated.

In the end, there was an exchange of views on the subject, many questions were answered.

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