Congratulations on the 70th anniversary of Sayar Abdullayev, Head of Department of the Institute!

18 Jule 2017 - 17:06 | Jubilees

Head of Department of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS Sayar Abdullayev was awarded the Honorary Diploma of the Institute on the occasion of the his70th anniversary.

Director of the Institute, academician Rasim Alguliev, who presented the decree, said that S.Abdullayev is always at the centre of leadership with his high professionalism, effective and productive achievements. He noted that S. Abdullayev, who has high organizational skills, has exceptional services in the establishment and long-term activity of the institute. 

S. Abdullayev graduated from the mechanical-mathematical faculty of Azerbaijan State University named after S.M.Kirov in 1974. n 1972 he was accepted for employment to the Automated Control Systems department at the Institute of Cybernetics of Academy of Sciences, where he addressed issues of development of multi-purpose and multi-level control systems.

In 1973-1984 he addressed issues of software development of multi-purpose information systems. In 1986-1988 years within the framework of the social-economical development plan of Azerbaijan SSR together with National Planning Committee, he leads situation control works of re-developed and re-operated Automated Control Systems and Computing Devices in the ministries and head administrations.

In 2002-2003 he actively participated in the creation of portal of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. He is the author of 48 articles, 25 of which were published abroad.

He is the member of Azerbaijan Trade Unions Confederation and ANAS Independent Trade Unions Presidium.

Currently, he is holding the position of head of the department at the Institute of Information Technologies.

 Since July 2014, he the deputy chairman of the Independent Trade Union of ANAS.

In 1982 he worked as the deputy chairman of the trade union of the institute, and since 1989 till now he is the chairman of the trade union of the institute. 

In 2015 he was awarded the Honorary Decree of the Department of Physics, Mathematics and Technical Sciences of ANAS for his long-term scientific and scientific-organizational activity.

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