Collegues of ANAS were awarded certificates on "Web of Science"

12 Jule 2017 - 17:00 | Important events

Certificates were given to colleagues of institutes and organizations of ANAS, who took part in certification program "Web of Science" at the Training Innovation Center of the Institute of Information Technologies of ANAS. Academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the institute, academician Rasim Alguliev presented certificates to the participants and wished them success in their future activities.

The certification program held on July 11-12, 2017 was attended by responsible persons of 20 scientific-research institutions of ANAS.

At the program colleagues were given detailed information  on the history of the Web of Science Core Collection, its key principles, references analysis, selection of journals, database, search queries, query specification and analysis of search results, work on results, author's and references, researcherID, Profile of user and so on.  Participants learned about Journal Citation Reports' annual reports, structure and interface of Journal Citation Reports, Bibliography through EndNote online, an expanded organization on the database, knowledge of rules of use of InCites analytical platform, As well as practical exercises.

It should be noted that the certified specialists will act as responsible for Web of Science in their organizations.

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