The certification program on "Web of Science" was held

11 Jule 2017 - 15:00 | Important events

A certification program on the information platform "Web of Science" for employees of the institutes and organizations of the Academy by the Moscow and Kiev representative offices of the "Thomson Reuters" agency was held at the Training and Innovation Center of the Institute of Information Technology of the Presidium of ANAS. The seminar was attended by officials from 20 research institutions of ANAS.

The event was opened by academician-secretary of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliyev, who spoke about the importance of the certification program. The scientist expressed his confidence that the holding of such training will make a significant contribution to the achievement of even more important scientific results in our country, as well as to the integration of the national science into the international scientific community.

R.Alguliyev brought to attention that in the two-day certification program of the agency "Thomson Reuters", which is the leading scientific and analytical information provider among the world scientific community, participants will get knowledge about the "Web of Science" platform.

Then Valentin Bogorov, head of the Department of Educational Programs of the Department of Scientific Research and Intellectual Property of the Thomson Reuters agency, made a speech. He said that at the seminars on the certification program, which will be held in Azerbaijani and Russian languages, participants will also be taught practical skills, along with the presentation of theoretical knowledge about the "Web of Science" platform and tools for working with it

Then the experts on the scientific information resources of the agency Thomson Reuters Aygun Babazade and Irina Tikhonova gave detailed information about the history of the creation, the main principles of the Web of Science Core Collection, the analysis of links, the selection of journals, the information base, the search query, the refinement of the query and analysis Search results, work on results, authors 'and links' rates, user profile «ResearcherID», etc.

Participants will also be informed about the annual reports on links to Journal Citation Reports, the structure and interface of Journal Citation Reports, work on bibliography through EndNote online, an expanded search for an organization in the information base, rules for using the analytical platform InCites.

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