The issues of organizing technical services of computer systems in corporate environment have been investigated

11 Jule 2017 - 12:22 | Conferences, assemblies

Report of the Department 11 of the Institute of Information Technologies of ANAS for the first half of 2017 was discussed. The head of the department, Shakir Mehdiyev, presented the report and informed about the research work. He noted that researchers are being carried out to investigate the scientific-theoretical problems of information technology and information society formation and to develop effective methods. He said that the organization of computer systems maintenance and organization of electronic service in the network environment was investigated in the corporate environment. As a result of the research, a number of articles, theses and conference materials were prepared.

Speaking about the work carried out within the scientific-innovation and practical activities of the department, the reporter said engineering and software services were provided on individual computers belonging to institutes and organizations of ANAS. He said that the repair and adjustment of personal computers owned by the Academy's scientific institutions and their technical capacities are being done.

Mehdiyev said that the articles of the department staff were posted on Researchgate,, Orchid, Google Scholar and other scientific social networks.

He also drew attention to the scientific and pedagogical and scientific-organizational activities in the department, the publication of articles in well-known scientific journals, the propagation of scientific and practical results in mass media and the scientific data.

An exchange of views was held around the report, a number of proposals were voiced.

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