Researches on Biometric technologies

07 Jule 2017 - 10:00 | Conferences, assemblies

Scientific researchers on biometric technologies, the theoretical basis of software engineering and quality indicators of software systems are being conducted at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS. PhD, associate professor Tofig Kazimov noted about this during his speech on the 6-month report of the Department No. 9 for  2017.

T.Kazimov pointed out that a new algorithm has been developed to increase effectiveness in determining human race and ethnicity in the current year. He noted that the development of the methodology and algorithms for recognizing human beings on the basis of the handwriting marks and skull bones, and the development of the model for enhancing the reliability of the software products have also been conducted in the current year.

Noting  problems of increasing the reliability of software on theoretical basis of software engineering, the reporter said that for this purpose, researchers on the development of the model to enhance reliability of software products, analysis of standards in software engineering, analysis of software verification methods, etc.  were conducted.T. Kazminov noted that work on the problem of ensuring information security in the Internet environment of children, as well as the study of the psychological and psychometric aspects of the Internet dependency of children and adolescents are being continued in the field of information security.

Speaking about the scientific-innovation activity of the department, scholar highlighted the active participation of department’s colleagues in the organization of the  I Republican conference on “Scientific-practical problems of Software engineering.

The head of the department  noted that  cooperation with  the Institute for Information Security and Cryptography of the Eurasian National University named after L.N Gumilev, National Technical University of Ukraine, Kiev Polytechnic Institute, Yalova University, including International Journal of Intelligent Information Processing, Communications, "International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Management", "Biomedical Statistics and Informatics", "Pattern Recognition", "British Journal of Applied Science & Technology" and other journals are continued.

He also talked about scientific-pedagogical and scientific-organizational activities of the department staff, the publication of scientific articles in the international and Republican conferences,  journals recommended by the AR Supreme Attestation Commission and promotion of scientific and practical results in mass media.

In the end, there was an exchange of views on the subject, many questions were answered.

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