Complex measures have been implemented to expand AzScienceNet's infrastructure

05 Jule 2017 - 12:47 | Conferences, assemblies

Deputy Director of  the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, Ph.D. , Associate Professor Rashid Alakbarov presented the semiannual report of the department No.4 headed by him.

Speaking about the department's research activity, the scientist pointed out that effective utilization of virtual resources in mobile cloud technologies, current state and prospects of development of Internet things, creation of virtual machines and computing clusters in data processing center, supercomputer technologies and other priority directions.

R. Alakbarov spoke about the activities done  on expanding the infrastructure of AzScienceNet network within the scientific-innovative activity of the department. He said that 270 new computers of institutes and organizations of ANAS were connected to AzScienceNet network, and several institutes and organizations of the Academy were provided with the opportunity to use new Internet services such as Wi-Fi, Eduroam.

Activities on connecting 4 institute and organization of ANAS   (Institute of Physics, Biophysics and Radiation Problems, as well as , experimental industrial plant) to AzScienceNet computer networks via fiber-optic connection channel  were carried out.

Enhancing of AzScienceNet network and Data Center's technical capabilities (17 Flops, 400TB), connection of  AzEduNet education network to AzScienceNet, as well as,  reconstruction of computer hardware and telecommunication infrastructure of Presidium of ANAS were also carried out within the framework of scientific-innovation activity.

The speaker also pointed out the results of the department's scientometric indicators. According to him, 11 conference materials were prepared by the department staff and 4 articles were published in the prestigious journals.

R. Alakbarov also gave detailed information on scientific-pedagogical and scientific-organizational activities, promotion of the results in the mass media, work done in the field of cooperation with international organizations.

The report of the department was considered satisfactory and some proposals were made.

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