Associates of the Institute are in the scientific mission at the Republic of Korea

30 June 2017 - 12:39 | Important events

Heads of departments of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, PhDs on technical sciences, associate professors Yadigar Imamverdiyev and Farhad Yusifov are in scientific mission to participate in ICT exchange program at the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute of Korea (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, ETRI).

Employees of the Institute are directly involved in advanced research projects at ETRI for their own research interests. The program also explores the experience of Korean colleagues in the full life cycle of development and commercialization of cutting-edge base technologies.

The associates of the Institute will also discuss prospects of establishing cooperation between ETRI and their scientific institution.

Note that ETRI is the leading state-funded scientific research institute founded in 1976. There are about 2000 employees here currently. The main campus of the organization is located in the Dedok Science Park, which was established as a city of innovation in the city of Decon (innopolis). ETRI scientificresearch centers in Korea, Seoul, Deu and Honam, as well as in 20 countries in the world, including China and the USA.

At present, ETRI carries out complex research works in the fields of electronics, information and communication technologies, telecommunications, information security, convergence of knowledge and advanced technologies, their commercialization and transfer to some industries.

Let us remind that according to the number of patents in the US, ETRI has been leading the third consecutive year and ahead of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, California and Stanford Universities.

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