Michelin unveiled concept airless tyre of the future

30 June 2017 - 12:07 | Technological innovations
Michelin unveiled concept airless tyre of the future

The new technology of airless tires Vision will allow the owner of the car to save on seasonal change of rubber - the picture on the tire can be changed if necessary most.

The French company Michelin introduced a new concept of airless tires of a new generation. They will change the picture, adjusting to the road conditions. Representatives of the company held a presentation of the novelty during the conference Movin'On in Montreal (France).

For the production of Vision tires, fully decomposable biomaterials will be used, for example, bamboo, paper, wood, cardboard, orange peel and natural rubber, reports.

Print Vision airless tires will be on 3D printers - this will allow designers to monitor the required amount of rubber and a pattern on the tire, thus prolonging its service life. It is expected that the life of the tire will be about 10-15 years, and after it can be recycled.

As representatives of Michelin mark, airless tire Vision can not burst, nor take off. In addition, it is designed in such a way that the rigid material in the center of the tire becomes softer and more flexible as it approaches the outer radius.

Manufacturers also plan to incorporate special sensors into the tires, which will remind the driver that it's time to change the pattern. And of course, you can track all the necessary information using the application on your mobile phone. The car owner can also change the picture using 3D printing technology.

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