The article of the colleagues of Institute have been accepted in the conference of IEEE publishing

29 June 2017 - 10:25 | Important events
The article of the colleagues of  Institute have been accepted  in the conference of IEEE publishing

An article named  "Optimal deployment model of cloudlets in mobile Cloud Computing" of Deputy Director of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS,  Associate Professor Rashid Alakbarov and sector chief Ogtay Alakbarov was accepted  in “Cloud Computing and Big Data Analysis’’ international conference "(ICCCBDA - 2017) of IEEE publishing.

In the article the dynamics of development of mobile cloud technologies are examined, the advantages and uses of this technology are analyzed. The issues of computing and memory resources for mobile equipment are explored by using this technology.

Also, the factors that required in the creation of cloudlets in mobile computing clouds are researched and the timing of the deployment time nearby base stations are solved.

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