Facebook chat bots created their own language

22 June 2017 - 04:11 | Interesting information
Facebook chat bots created their own language

Researchers from the Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research lab (FAIR) recently made an unexpected discovery while trying to improve chatbots. Bots, known as "dialog agents", suddenly created a unique language in the learning process.

According,using machine learning algorithms, dialog agents were left to converse freely in an attempt to strengthen their conversational skills. Over time, the bots began to deviate from the scripted norms and in doing so, started communicating in an entirely new language — one they created without human input. In a language sense, this one is mostly gibberish.

In an attempt to better converse with humans, chatbots took it a step further and got better at communicating without them — in their own sort of way.

And it’s not the only interesting discovery.

Researchers also found these bots to be incredibly crafty negotiators. After learning to negotiate, the bots relied on machine learning and advanced strategies in an attempt to improve the outcome of these negotiations. Over time, the bots became quite skilled at it and even began feigning interest in one item in order to “sacrifice” it at at a later stage in the negotiation as a faux compromise.

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