Big Data and opportunities of web technologies were discussed

21 June 2017 - 12:46 | Conferences, assemblies

A Next scientific seminar of Department No. 17 of Institute of Information Technology of ANAS was held.  At first, the colleague of the department Fidan Sadigova made a report on the possibilities and problems of web technologies. Modern web technologies were studied, differences and shortcomings are determined among them during the research, she noted. The existing problems in the field of web technologies were analyzed.

Web-programming technologies include Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP), Active Server Pages (ASP.NET), Cold Fusion Markup Language (CFML), Java, Python, and so on. She informed about the opportunities of these technologies.

Then, the other colleague of the department Aynura Sadigova informed about Big Data technologies and software platforms.  Big Data is one of the leading trends used for processing, analyzing large scaled data and extracting useful data from them. Software-apparatus platforms - MapReduce, Hadoop, HDFS, NoSQL, MongoDB and so on. are used for large data processing and analysis, She noted.

According to Sadigova, the main goal of Big Data software platforms and Big Data analytics systems is to provide efficient analytics for large volumes of data.

She also gave information about Watson Analytics, a software platform used by IBM's Big Data analytics system. He noted that Watson Analytics offers intelligent data detection over the cloud.

Then academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the Institute of Information Technologies, head of the department, academician Rasim Aliguliev noted that both topics are actual and that they are the most important scientific directions in the world.

Discussion was also held on the strengthening of scientific activities of Phd and doctoral students of department No 17. R. Alguliyev gave recommendations to each colleague on deepening of scientific researches, preparation of articles as a result of researches and publication in authoritative magazines.

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