China is building the world's largest floating solar power plant

20 June 2017 - 11:00 | Interesting information
China is building the world's largest floating solar power plant

Currently, China is building the world's largest floating solar power plant. Now the power plant contains 166,000 solar cells installed on connected floating pontoons, the total capacity of the power plant is 40 MW, and by September of this year its capacity is already a record 150 MW.

The solar power station Sungrow, located in the Huainan area, was located on the surface of an artificial lake formed as a result of subsidence in the area of one of the old coal mines. It is not the only floating solar power plant in the world, such projects have already been implemented or are being implemented in Japan, the United Kingdom and Israel. But the Chinese project stands out from the whole number of its scale, reports.

Floating solar power plants have an efficiency that is 5-10 percent higher than the efficiency of solar power plants installed on the surface of the Earth. This is due to the fact that the surface of the water reflects some of the sunlight that again hits the surface of the solar panels. But the most important is that the water evaporated from the surface of the reservoir, further cools the photovoltaic cells, which begin to work much more efficiently.

And in conclusion, it should be noted that this project was implemented by the Chinese company Sungrow, the world's second largest producer of solar cells photovoltaic cells and inverters-converters to them.

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