Institute of Information Technology held doctoral exams in the specialties

13 June 2017 - 16:06 | Important events

Today at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, a doctoral examination was held in the specialty "System Analysis, Management and Information processing" on the basis of the testing method. 3 people took part in the exam: PhD students of the institute Ismail Sadigov, Magsud Hasanzadeh and doctoral student of Sumgait State University Gulnara Abbasova.

It should be noted that in accordance with the decree of the President of ANAS No. 270 "On holding the summer examination session" of May 12, 2017, the Commission for the adoption of the doctoral examination on the specialty "System Analysis, Management and Development of Information" was established at the Institute of Information Technology.

The chairman of the commission is the Director of the institute, Academic Rasim Alguliyev, and the members are corresponding member of ANAS, Dr. Engineering Ramiz Alguliyev, Dr. Engineering Rashid Alakbarov and scientific secretary of the institute Madina Saidova.

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