Institute of Biophysics of ANAS connected to AzScienceNet

08 June 2017 - 10:32 | Important events
Institute of Biophysics of ANAS connected to AzScienceNet

Comprehensive measures are being conducted for expansion and strengthening infrastructure of AzScienceNet Science-Computer Networking at the Institute of Information Technology. Activities in the direction of establishment of  fiber-optic cable network for  provision of institutes and organizations  of ANAS with modern intelligent switches and other necessary technical equipment, increasing the speed of data exchange  and and reliability  are being carried out.

Recently, the connection of Institute of Biophysics to AzScienceNet via fiber-optic connection  has been conducted  by the specialists of the Institute of Information Technology. Also, the creation of Wi-Fi and  eduroam services was performed and an opportunity to use of services of GEANT (computer network for research and education in Europe) through AzScienceNet network has been providedfor the employees of the institute.

Note that Eduroam (education roaming) service provided by GEANT is a international roaming service which provides a secure and free access of academics, researchers, teachers and students to the Internet. Users of this service gained easy, free and safe access to the Internet over wireless network in the country and abroad.

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