AzEduNet network is connected to AzScienceNet network

01 June 2017 - 16:47 | Important events
AzEduNet network is connected to AzScienceNet network

It is known that, the scientific and computer network AzScienceNet ANAS Institute of Information Technology providing high-quality Internet services to scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS, ensures the integration of Azerbaijani science into the world science.

The issues of use of AzScienceNet services by AzScienceNet in the direction of science and education integration were discussed at the General Meeting of ANAS and the joint scientific session of the Board of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan on December 21, 2017 and were established the business ties of cooperation between AzScienceNet and the Education Network of Azerbaijan (AzEduNet).

Within the framework of cooperation, 10 universities of the country were connected to the AzScienceNet network. This in turn will create the opportunity for students of higher educational institutions, scientists and specialists, PhDs and dissertators to use the services of the international GEANT network, along with AzScienceNet and the Data Center services.

Note that, in the near future it is planned to connect a few more higher and secondary schools to the AzScienceNet network.

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