Identification of the movement of the lips will solve the main problem of biometrics

24 Mai 2017 - 10:54 | Technological innovations
Identification of the movement of the lips will solve the main problem of biometrics

A group of scientists from the Hong Kong Baptist University has developed a new kind of password that needs to be uttered silently. The system identifies the user by the movements of the lips. Alternative biometric methods are planned to be used in financial transactions.

One of the main problems of biometric identification is the inability to change its identifier. If a person uses a fingerprint to log on to the system and someone can copy it, the user can not just change the password - he has to look for another authentication method. The solution of the problem was presented by the Hong Kong scientists headed by the professor of computer science Cheng Yumin.

Created by the researchers, the password-reading system on the lips allows changing the password, but at the same time, uses unique biometric characteristics of the user. A special program correlates the movements of the person's lips with the letters of the password and recognizes the user by his characteristic movements, the texture of the lips and their shape. As the Science Daily notes, each person's facial expressions are unique and impossible to forget.

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