"Dissernet" society combats fake dissertations

23 Mai 2017 - 15:49 | Conferences, assemblies

"Dissernet"  is a free network of experts, researchers and reporters who devote their work to expose scammers, falsifiers and cheaters.

Senior Research Fellow of the Institute of Information Technology, PhD, associate professor Ramiz Shikhaliyev who delivered a report on "Dissernet: establishment, activities, facts"  informed about this at the scientific seminar of the Institute.   

The society was established on the basis of a similar project in Germany VroniPlag started its operations in January 2013. site was launched on February 20 in the same year.

The participants of the community are cooperating together, based on the principles of the network distribution of labor and the use of modern computer technologies, to counteract illegal frauds and infringements in the field of scientific and educational activities, especially in the process of defending dissertations and conferring academic degrees in Russia, he said.

Research and exposure of Dissernet  affect different categories of citizens of Russia equallyParticipants of the Dissernet act voluntarily, on their own initiative, and without any pressure or coercion from outside.

The reporter said that "Dissertent" analyzed full text of 50 thousand synopsis and 12 thousand dissertation within two years, 3.2 thousand plagiarism was detected.

In the end, the report was discussed, questions were answered.

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