Researches are being carried out on the development of E-university activities concept

22 Mai 2017 - 11:00 | Conferences, assemblies

The next seminar of the Department No 15 of the Institute of Information Technology was held. PhD student of the Department Hussein Qasimov presented a report on "concept of e-university activities in Azerbaijan, development of models and methods".

Reporter noted that e-university effects positively to the social and economic development of the community, spoke about the environmental effectiveness. He gave information about e-university models of the world, their advantages and disadvantages.

H.Qasımov also presented more suitable structural scheme of the e-University model for Azerbaijan. He spoke about his works on the application of e-university model, proposed instrumental means. He also informed about structural units of a number of moduls and relevant algorithms on the implementation of them.

In the end, views exchanged on the report, questions and suggestions sounded.

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