I Republican conference on “Scientific-practical problems of Software engineering” was held

17 Mai 2017 - 13:33 | Conferences, assemblies

On May 17, 2017, the first republican conference on "scientific and practical problems of software engineering" was  held at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS.

Representatives of the Ministry of Education, heads of institutes and organizations of ANAS, leading scientists and specialists of the country in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT) and representatives of the media attended the conference, which was held with the modern organizational support of the Presidium of ANAS, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Institute of Information Technology.

Opening event President of ANAS, Academician Akif Alizadeh noted that the conference coincided with the date of May 17 - World Day of Telecommunications and Information Society. The scientist congratulated all those who took a direct part in the creation of the information society in the country.


A.Alizadeh noted that software engineering - intellectual activity, which has great importance from the point of view of the development of the information society and the formation of a knowledge economy in our country. It was said that the information society, adopted at the UN as the ideology of the millennium, is based on ICT and the knowledge economy.

The scientist informed that today the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev  laid the foundation of scientific and technological development, adopted a number of conceptual documents and important decisions in connection with the development of the high-tech sector and the formation of the knowledge economy of Azerbaijan. It was noted that in the Development Concept "Azerbaijan 2020: vision to the future", "National Strategy on the Development of the Information Society in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2014-2020", "Strategic Roadmap for the Development of Telecommunications and Information Technologies" reflected the creation of technoparks and information zones for Development and application of science-intensive products and technologies, the development of an economy based on information and knowledge, the development of skills and abilities in the field of ICT.

A.Alizade brought to the attention that the basis of the software industry, emerging as a segment of the knowledge economy, is the "science-education-innovation" triangle. He stressed the importance of carrying out incentive measures aimed at increasing the interest of Azerbaijani youth in this field: "In order to meet the growing needs of scientific personnel and highly skilled programmers, we must carry out the necessary work and expand cooperation with higher education institutions." The scientist also recalled the existence of business relations between the Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Education in this direction.

Then the Deputy Minister of Education of the Azerbaijan Republic Firudin Gurbanov spoke about the significance of the conference devoted to the topical scientific theoretical and practical problems of software engineering. He noted that, the development of software engineering, which has great economic prospects, is being given attention in many countries of the world.

Today, professional staff in the field of software engineering is successfully operating in state bodies and scientific and educational institutions of our country.

F. Gurbanov stressed the need to study the world experience in the field of software engineering and the implementation of relevant reforms in the education system. I expressed confidence that, the conference, organized by the Institute of Information Technology, will make a significant contribution to the further development of software engineering in Azerbaijan.

Director of ANAS Institute of Control Systems, Academician Telman Aliyev made a presentation on "The emergence and development of programming in Azerbaijan".The academician noted that the formation of cybernetics and programming in Azerbaijan falls to the 60th years of the last century. He noted that Azerbaijan also has a certain tradition of programming technologies. In 1969, during the period when the national leader Heydar Aliyev came to power, Azerbaijan lacked science-intensive branches of the economy. Having properly assessed the strategic importance of telecommunications, radio electronics, computer technology and nationwide leader began to pay special attention to the development of this field. As a result of this, the preparation of prominent scientists and specialists in the field of programming, automation, applied mathematics, cybernetics, etc. began in our republic.

ANAS Academician-Secretary, Director of ANAS Institute of Information Technology, Academician Rasim Alguliyev spoke on "Some actual problems and prospects for the formation of software engineering". He informed in detail about software engineering: goals and objectives, economic perspectives of software engineering, international standards, training of personnel, scientific and information security, and ethical and legal problems in this area.

R.Alguliyev proposed and recommendations on the development of software engineering in Azerbaijan. He emphasized the need to implement measures in connection with the training of specialists in software engineering in the relevant higher educational institutions of the country, the nationalization of international standards existing in the field of software engineering, the implementation of their implementation and teaching, the provision of support from relevant structures to scientific research and Initiatives in the field of software engineering.

During the event were delivered papars by the head of the Division of computer programs of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), PhD in Physical and Mathematical sciences Bakhtiyar Siradcev on "World experience and trends in software engineering", associate professor of Baku State University, PhD in Physics and Mathematics sciences Ramin Mahmudzadeh on "Teaching of programming tricks in the country", an expert on strategic decisions "Microsoft" company in the CIS countries Gachay Mirzoyev "Priorities computer and "Microsoft" in the field of software engineering".

Then, the conference continued its work in the sessions of sections on the theme "Scientific and theoretical problems of software engineering", "Applied problems of software engineering" and "Problems of teaching software engineering".

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