5783 turns 10 years old

17 Mai 2017 - 09:04 | Important events turns 10 years old

Today, 10 years have passed since creation of the official website of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS -

The main goal of the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, was launched on May 17, 2007, is to promptly communicate to the world community the results of the scientific activities carried out in various fields of ICT in Azerbaijan, the changes taking place in the life of the institute and the republic as a whole, the successes achieved well as the distribution of knowledge in the field of ICT.

The information on the website, functioning in Azerbaijani and English languages, is constantly updated, improved and expanded. The site is constantly and continuously maintained at a high level. The correspondents of the site promptly cover the latest developments in the ICT sector of the world and the republic, as well as information about conferences, meetings and meetings of various spectrums.

On the website information about the institute, the management, structural departments and requisites of the institute, the main scientific directions of the institute, the composition of the dissertation council, the requirements for the theses, the rules for their design, the recommended scientific publications, the rules for admission to the Doctoral studies, international relations of the institute, agreements on cooperation, etc.

The official website regularly publishes official documents signed by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the field of ICT, official documents of the apparatus of the Presidium of ANAS, as well as regulations concerning the institute.

In the web resource you can also get acquainted with the electronic versions of periodicals of the Institute - scientific and practical journals "Problems of Information Technologies" and "Problems of the Information Society".

Photo and video information about important scientific events held in the institute are posted in the sections of the photo gallery, video galleries and the site's InfoTV window. Also, in the necessary cases, direct broadcasting of events is envisaged.

The vital scientific events, which carried out at the institute, are posted on the photo and video-information, photo gallery of the website, and videogallery sections, including InfoTV. The necessary measures will be carried out directly on the broadcast.

Institute’s multifaceted services – data about web, design, publishing, including library-information services, have been reflected on the website of the institute, having a huge database.

High statistic indicators prove the urgency of data submitted by and their focusing by world scientific world. During 2016, more than 386, 000 visits were recorded to the website.

Note that, in accordance with the Order of ANAS Presidium “On the monitoring and boosting of websites of ANAS institutes and organizations” dated March 14, 2016, the monitoring on defining “The best website of the year” for 2016 nomination were carried out also. According to the results of monitoring, website was elected the winner of this nomination.

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