Artificial intelligence problems in the software engineering

15 Mai 2017 - 16:22 | Conferences, assemblies

The seminar of department No. 15 on subject "artificial intelligence problems in  Software engineering "   was held at the Institute of Information Technology .

Senior Research Fellow of the Institute, PhD, associate professor Zarifa  Jabrailova who presented the report  said that artificial intelligence systems forms the most important area of software products and  these systems allow to achieve economic efficiency.

In the recent years, the interest of companies in artificial intelligence has increased.  She noted that artificial intelligence methods were used for text analysis and understanding of content, management, design, code generation, testing, quality assessment and solution of issues in parallel systems. In this regard, software engineering is becoming   intelligent engineering that gradually covering more common problems of knowledge description and processing.

According to her, the use of artificial intelligence methods allows software engineers to solve problems that cannot be solved previously. Not surprisingly, the study and practical development area of artificial intelligence methods in software is characterized by experts  as "Probability programming", "Classification", "software engineering training and forecasting", "Search-based software".

In the end, there was an exchange of views on the subject, many questions were answered.

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