The final stage of the "XI All-Republic Olympiad in Informatics among Students of Higher Educational Institutions" was held

08 Mai 2017 - 09:30 | Important events

On May 6, the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS hosted the final stage of the 17th World Telecommunication and Information Society Day dedicated to May 17, the All-Republican Olympiad in Informatics among Students of Higher Educational Institutions.

The event organized regularly since 2007 is the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Heydar Aliyev Foundation, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS.

The Academician-Secretary of ANAS, Director of the Institute of Information Technology, Academician Rasim Alguliyev who opened the event with an introductory speech welcomed the participants of the Olympiad on behalf of the president of ANAS, Academician Akif Alizade and the staff of the structure headed by him. The scientist noted that today the development of the fields of computer science and programming has become one of the priority directions in the world, there is also a significant demand for the training of highly qualified specialists in the field of information technologies possessing great scientific and practical experience and innovative thinking, in particular, in the training of software engineers.

Noting that the leadership of the country, as well as the ANAS, constantly shows special attention to the development of science and education in Azerbaijan, the scientist has brought to attention that the introduction of ICT in this area opens wide opportunities. He noted that the organization of master's education at ANAS, the establishment of basic departments between some academic institutions of the Academy and higher educational institutions, joint cooperation in training personnel, the introduction of international standards in the process of training highly skilled personnel, and holding similar competitions are important activities carried out in the field Integration of science and education.

The scientist noted that in the future it is also planned to continue cooperation between the two structures responsible for science and education in our country - the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the field of integration of science and education.

Noting that the scientific and computer network AzScienceNet of the Institute of Information Technologies is one of the important tools in the process of integrating science and education, Academician R.Alguliyev informed about the establishment of business ties of cooperation in this direction between ANAS and the Ministry of Education.

R.Alguliyev informed that 52 teams from 24 higher educational institutions of the republic took part in this year's competition to participate in the Olympiad. According to the rules, from 12 higher educational institutions (Baku Engineering University, ADA University, Baku Higher School of Oil, Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku State University, Baku Branch of Moscow State University, National Academy of Aviation, Azerbaijan State Agrarian University, Azerbaijan University, Azerbaijan Technical University, Azerbaijan State Economic University, Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry), one of the strongest teams received the right to participate in the second stage of the Olympiad.

In order to encourage participation of teams representing higher education institutions in the region of Azerbaijan in the Olympiad, the decision of the Jury of the Olympiad created opportunities for the participation of DEV-SDU teams from Sumgayit State University, MDU of Mingachevir State University, Nizami of Ganja State University and AzeNET of Azerbaijan Technological University in the final stage of the Olympiad.

Further, one of the organizers of the Olympiad, the teacher of the Baku Engineering University Etibar Seidzadeh informed in detail about the technical issues and procedures. He noted that the Olympiad is held according to the rules of the International Olympiad in Programming among students of higher educational institutions. Each team consists of 1 teacher and 3 students (bachelor). From each higher educational institution for participation in the first stage of the Olympiad maximum 4 teams are allowed. Only one team of educational institutions is allowed in the final stage of the Olympiad. During the competition, each team within 5 hours is given the task to solve 10 algorithmic problems. In the final four the strongest teams are declared winners.

Note that to ensure transparency of the competition the monitoring was carried out through the video surveillance system established in the Institute.

The winners will be awarded with valuable gifts of "Nar Mobile" and the company "BestComp Group", as well as Certificates of Honor and diplomas of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies.

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