Chiefs of Departments of the Institute were elected a corresponding member of ANAS

03 Mai 2017 - 16:36 | Important events

The scientist is the author of 271 scientific works, 8 monographs. The number of journal articles published abroad is 62, the number of articles published in international conferences is 99.124 of these works are included in publications indexed in various scientific bases.

In accordance with the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan M.Mammadova was awarded the medal "Tereggi" in 2009, in 2005 - with the Certificate of Honor of ANAS, in 2015 - "Honorary Diploma of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan".

Ramiz Alyguliyev conducts research in the field of Data mining, Big Data analytics, text mining, clustering, classification, distributed computing, neural networks, genetic algorithms, ant algorithms, differential evolution algorithms, bee algorithms, rover-based optimization algorithms, Analysis of the electronic state, sciencemetry, etc.

R.Aliguliyevis the author of 150 scientific publications. The number of journal articles published abroad is 82, the number of  articles published in international conferences is 24. As well as the number of articlesindexed in the "Web of Science" database (Thomson Reuters) is 32, the number of publications indexed in the "Scopus" (Elsevier) database is 50. The Scientist is a member of the editorial board of 7 journals, reviewer of more than 30 journals indexed in the "Web of Science" and "Scopus" database. There were more than 900 citations to his works((h-index = 17 g-index = 30; i10-index = 21).

In 2013 R.Aliguliyev was awarded the first place for the best scientific works published in the magazines in the field of ICT in the republic, indexed in the "Web of Science".

In 2005, the scientist was awarded with the Certificate of Honor of ANAS and in 2014 in accordance with the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan - with the medal "Tereggi".

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