Elon Mask presented the idea of creating a new futuristic underground transport system

02 Mai 2017 - 16:00 | Interesting information
Elon Mask presented the idea of creating a new futuristic underground transport system

Elon Musk, the founder and leader of companies such as SpaceX and Tesla Motors, has gained fame as a man who generates and supports a variety of unusual ideas, some of which concern the creation of futuristic transport systems. One such idea, the idea of ​​the Hyperloop system, is now at the practical implementation stage, the design of the passenger capsule is being developed for it, and a pilot section of the pipeline is being constructed, in which low air pressure will be maintained. And recently Elon Musk posted a video on the network demonstrating his idea of ​​creating a futuristic underground transportation system, which he is going to implement by the forces of his newly organized company Boring Company.

The basis of the future system will be self-propelled electric transport trolleys, which will serve as elevators, raising and lowering ordinary cars into the depth of the tunnel system. The tunnel system will become very branched and, according to some signs, it will cover the entire area of ​​Los Angeles, a city that is well known for its serious problems with transport and traffic.

Having descended into the underground tunnel, the transport trolley with the car standing on it pours into the stream, moving in the necessary direction at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour. It is not yet clear what principles of motion will be used in this system, but knowing Elona Mask, we can assume that it will be something extra-high-tech like a rail with magnetic levitation. When the end point of the underground movement is reached, the trolley with the car rises to the surface, and the car follows its own course.

In addition to providing for the movement of cars with people inside of them, a new transport system will be able to provide for the movement of public transport. Of course, it will not be able to move large city buses, for this will be used small vehicles capable of carrying a dozen or two passengers at a time. 

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