Discussions on e-science software was held

28 April 2017 - 14:00 | Important events

The next scientific seminar of Department No. 3 of the Institute of Information Technology was held.

Opening the meeting, the head of the department- Tahmasib Fataliyev noted that the seminar was devoted to the e-science software.

Employee of the department Nargiz Verdiyeva presented the report and gave information about scope of e-science, implementation stages, role of software for its shaping, software features of advanced e-science projects.

Reporter presented the stages of implementation of e-science and said that E-science aimed to cover institutes and organizations of ANAS, scientific institutions of ministries and universities, as well as the research institutions. She gave information about system, application and software tool of e-science that consists of the virtualization, information, networking, computerization and communication stages.

Then N.Verdiyev also spoke about advanced e-science projects and their software features. She informed aboout scientific applications and tools of European Grid Infrastructure, including classification of "Globus Toolkit" software.

In the end, the reporter noted that, without spending extra time and money through the use of open source software tools for the development of the e-science can be achieved more effectively.

Views exchanged on the report, questions and suggestions sounded.

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