Dicussions on the “Economic issues of Software Engineering and industry” were held

27 April 2017 - 15:10 | Conferences, assemblies
Dicussions on the “Economic issues of Software Engineering and industry” were held

Scienticif seminar of the Department No 8 of Institute of Information Technology dedicated to the "Economic issues of growth and development of the software engineering and industry " was held. The seminar was opened by the head of the department of Economy, PhD, associate professor Alovsat Aliyev noted the key issues and features of the software products designing and manufacture. He said that here icludes the economic characteristics of enterprises in the design and manufacture of software products, economic characteristics of production and factors affecting to the software products economy and so on.

Then an employee of the department- Elza Musayeva presented a report stating that, one of the most important issues in the process of software product is assessment and identification of necessary resources and requirements for the product functional characteristics.

E.Musayeva talked about as well as the nature and functions of the software industry and engineering economy. She noted that for the development of "Software engineering economy" summaries of accumulated experience and scientific innovations in this new area of ​​the economy are required.

She also gave information about the main purpose of the planning production of programs complexes, the stage and the settlement process, factors that affect to the economic characteristics of the software products production, main factors that reflects economic properties of its production .

In the end, the subject was discussed, a number of proposals and recommendations sounded. It was decided that the report will be presented in the I Republican conference" Actual scientific and practical problems of Software engineering”which will be held in May.

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