The next seminar was held at the Institute

17 April 2017 - 11:54 | Conferences, assemblies

The next seminar was held at the Institute of Information Technology. The event was opened by the academician-secretary of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, director of the institute, academician Rasim Aliguliyev spoke about the issues on the agenda. The seminar dedicated to the discussion of introduction of IPv6, online translation services, e-learning standards,  the use of cloud technologies in education.

The employee of the Institute -Orkhan Mansimzade presenting report on the implementation of IPv6 addresses at computer networks, gave detailed information about the OSI and TCP / IP models, the IPv6 protocol architecture, statistics, IPv6 network connectivity strategies and so on.

The reporter noted that, since the beginning of 1990 as a result of the rapid expansion of the Internet, IPv4 will be insufficient and the need to transition to a new system. In order to overcome the disadvantages of IPv4 protocol, under the leadership of "Internet Engineering Task Force 'committee, a new version of the Internet Protocol - IPng (Internet Protocol Next Generation) or IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) is developed. He analyzed comparatively IPv4 and IPv6 protocols, spoke about the advantages of IPv6.

O.Mansimzadə presented statistics of users who visit using IPv6 addresses, usage statistics from IPv6 in the world, continents and countries, Azerbaijan and as well as adjacent regions, distribution schedule of IPv4 and IPv6 addressesin websites of Azerbaijan and spoke about the work done in connection with the transition to IPv6 addresses in AzScienceNet-computer network of the institute.

 Employee of the institute-Gurban Gurbanov presented report on "Online Machine Translation: history, current status and development prospects". He said that the history of machine translation (MT) as a scientific application started in the 40s of last century, at that period it has been recognized as language code system.

Gurbanov noted that the quality of the translation depends on of the text's theme, style, grammatical, syntactic and lexical matches of translated language. He said that in most cases the quality of machine translation of litreary texts is not satisfactory.

Speaking about the prospects of the online machine translation, reporter noted that the development of a MT system is associated with the development of artificial intelligence: when machine started to think like a human, being able to translate from one language to another language. Another way of improving MT is due to the compatibility of the corps of two languages.

He also provided information about the translation systems such as “Droid Translator”, “Scanner and Translator”, “3wayTalk”.

Employee of the Institute-Esmira Alasgarova presented a report on "Electronic cloud technologies in e-education" and said that cloud technologies are services that provide common information exchange between devices.

E.Alasgarova gave information about standards of National Institute of Standards and Technology, drove the listeners attention to the architectural levels which defined by these standards.

She also informed about the opportunities created by cloud technologies in education, advantages of this technologies in e- learning and technical support of conceptual scheme, brought attention ways of storing and distribution of documents in cloud.

Presenting a report  on topic “research of international standards in E-education’’ colleague  of institute Tarana Majidova  gave information about the development stages  of e-learning standards. She brought attention the basic concepts in e-learning field.

T. Majidova presented the conceptual model of SCORM standard, noted that it forms th e basis of knowledge base model. The Learning Management System forms software of the e-learning, she noted.

Then, Oktay Alekberov made a speech on “Modern ICT innovations ". He gave information about drones, virtual shopping centers, drone-taxis and other new technologies.

In the end, there was an exchange of views on the subject, many questions were answered.

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