Cooperation between AzScienceNet and AzEduNet networks

14 April 2017 - 12:50 | Meetings


Meeting was held at the Institute of Information Technology with Deputy Head of the Education System Informatization Departmentof Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan Republic-Orkhan Abbasov, representatives of the Azerbaijan Education Network (AzEduNet), director of the network- Natiq Yahyayev, executive director- Renat Vitkalov and technology director -Denis Rotkin.

 Academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the institute, academician Rasim Aliguliyev, Deputy Directorof the institute, PhD, associate professor -Rashid Alakbarov, head of the International Relations Department, PhD- Vugar Musayev, administrator of the AzScienceNet -Mammad Rashidov and other employees took part at the meeting.

The main objective is to exchange ideas about prospects of cooperation between AzScienceNet-computer network of the institute and AzEduNet, as well as views on the integration of science and education.

Firstly, academician Rasim Aliquliyev gave information about AzScienceNet which provide research institutions and organizations of ANAS with high level internet services, he also said that Internet network provide integration of Azerbaijani science to the world science.

According to Director of the Institute, it is actual issues to reconstruct scientific activity with the application of ICT for improving the efficiency of governance and works done at the research institutions of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Scientific, coordinating and directing their activities. In this regard, AzScienceNet is of great importance which provides integration of institutes and organizations of ANAS with the global science, performing the function of national operator on the research and education networks.

According to Rasim Alguliyev empowerment issues of AzScienceNet is reflected in the "Azerbaijan 2020: vision to future" concept and the "Development of information society in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2014-2020 National Strategy” action Plan.

He said that in addition to the research institutionsof ANAS, educational institutions of the country can benefit from the services of AzScienceNet and Data Center.

Academician spoke about the work done in the field of Integration of AzScienceNet into the international scientific environment and said that for this purpose Institute of Information Technology connected to the GEANT project. AzScienceNet representing our country in GEANT Association, as well as its projects, established cooperation with more than 40 countries.

Then, the deputy head of the Education System Informatization Department Orkhan Abbasov gave information about Azerbaijan Education Network. He said that AzEduNet intends the connect ion of country's middle schools and vocational schools to this network and use of the services provided by the network.  Ministry of Education, Baku Education Department, middle schools and other educational institutions in Baku, Sumgait, Ganja, Shamkir and other cities are between the entities connected to AzEduNet.

Then, the guests visited the Training Innovation Center.  Rashid Alakbarov informed about the activities of the center. Teaching of informatics to the entire doctoral and PhD students and doctoral examinations are held here, he informed.

Then, the guests got acquainted with AzScienceNet Data Processing Center. Introducing management structure of the network, he noted that, Wi-Fi, Cloud Computing, Cloud Storage Cluster Computing Hosting, Eduroam, IP Telephony, distributed multiterminal data service, operative information, e-libraries, and distance education and so on. Services are provided to employees of scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS via AzScienceNet that consist of data center, Internet services centers, network security and AzScienceCERT.

He introduced the dynamics of Internet access speed of AzScienceNet for the years, noted that   the network connection speed of network is 1.41 Gbit / s, computing power is 17 Tflops of, memory capacity is 400 Tbayt.

Moreover, the guests were informed about "Information Technology" publishing activities, mainly widescreen, high-speed digital printing equipment from Japan and Germany, work done in connection with the publication of various books, textbooks and magazines.

In the end, it was noted that after the integration of AzEduNet and AzScienceNet networks,   the scientists and experts  from the Ministry of Education, universities and  other educational institutions, doctoral and PhD students could use Wi-Fi, Eduroam, Cloud Computing, Hosting services of AzScienceNet.

During the meeting, the organization of joint seminars and conferences between two network, exchange of staff and experience were  discussed , relevant decisions were made.

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