Mercedes-Benz Vitality Coach revealed

14 April 2017 - 12:24 | Technological innovations
Mercedes-Benz Vitality Coach revealed

Mercedes-Benz is set to turn its cars into both a personal assistant and personal trainer - a combination of Jarvis, Iron Man's digital assistant, and Michelle Bridges - with systems that will monitor your wellbeing and stress levels, and seats, scents and sensors designed to make you feel better.

A personal assistant called a Vitality Coach will be part of a suite of systems that will follow your every move, even when you're not in the car, so that when you are driving it knows exactly how you're feeling, based on your pulse, your calendar (how late you are or aren't for your next appointment) and how much you've taken its advice about exercising that day.

Benz is working on a brand-specific wearable device that will do everything from monitor your heart rate and exercise to open your car doors, and will unveil Motion Seats in the new A-Class next year that subtly change your body position while driving to keep you alert.

It is also close to introducing super high resolution cameras that will measure your blink rate and pupil dilation, so the car knows whether you are stressed, angry or tired.

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